Welcome! Thank you very much for stopping by. We are delighted you found our space here.
We want you to know that you did not come here by chance. God has a reason for leading you here. We invite you to explore this website with an open heart, listening for what God might want to tell you.
Our Mission – Why we exist
Godly Pearls exists to advance the good news of Jesus Christ and provide Bible-based resources that will empower believers in their relationship with God.
Our Statement of Faith – What we believe
We believe:
- That the Holy Bible (the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament) are the inspired and infallible word of God and reveals the will of God for our salvation. The Holy Bible is the final authority for our Christian faith and life.
- That there is one God eternally existent in three Persons as manifested in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who are equal in power and glory.
- That Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless and a perfect life. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, He was buried, He rose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven. He is coming back to the earth again.
- That all human beings have a sinful nature because of the sin of Adam and that the only way their sins can be forgiven is through repentance and faith in the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- That salvation is not by works but the gift of God by grace through faith to all who believe in Jesus and accept Him as their personal Lord and Saviour.
- That the Holy Spirit does the work of regeneration by which a person becomes born again. The Holy Spirit also indwells and seals all true believers in Christ. We are also baptised and endued with the power of the Holy Spirit, and this enduement equips us with power for effective service in the vineyard of the Lord.
- That there is a necessity for believers to be continually filled with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we can be effective witnesses for the Lord both by our lives and words.
- That everyone who is born again is part of the universal church, that is, the body of Christ.
- That marriage is ordained by God and is a permanent and holy union between a man and a woman.
- That the righteous will be resurrected to eternal life and unrighteous will be resurrected to eternal damnation.
Our Activities – What we do
Below are some of what we do at Godly Pearls:
At Godly Pearls, we are passionate and committed to reaching out to people with the good news of Jesus Christ. We distribute gospel tracts and explain the gospel message to people we meet during our outreach events.
You can join us in sharing the good news wherever you are. Download, print and distribute our free gospel tracts.
We love stories – and we are using them to express practical insights and biblical truths from the Bible. These stories on our blog will provide you with examples of how to live a godly life in this ungodly world. Thus, we are committed to encouraging and empowering believers in their faith and walk with God through our blog publications. Head over to our Blog and read inspiring articles from different categories.
We understand the value of godly and christian parenting. We appreciate the ministry to children as it affords the opportunity to “catch them young” and introduce Jesus to kids at an early age.
We are passionate and committed to making sure parents, teachers, ministers, missionaries, etc. get access to sound bible-based materials for their ministry.
We therefore count it a privilege to offer our materials for free. Visit our Resource Centre to download materials that you can print and use at home, school, church, mission field, etc. You can also check our interactive page here to select the resources you can download and print.
Note that some of our materials are exclusively for members. They are free and you can access them when you join us as a member. Join us now to access ALL materials for FREE.
Also note that while our materials are free, you do not have the right to sell them or use them for any commercial or monetary gains. Please see our Terms and conditions for more details.
We have developed the digital version (Boom Cards) for most of our resources and we are developing more! You do not need to print the digital resources or Boom Cards but you need a device that is connected to the internet to be able to use them.
The resources are hosted on Boom Learning website and can be used in addition to printable resources. Our digital resources or boom cards will help you to explain biblical lessons in an engaging and interactive way.
Find out more about Boom Cards here. You can also check our interactive page here to find resources.
Visit our Boom Store to access all our digital resources (Boom Cards) for free.
On Amazon, Google Books, other retailers, or our website, you can download and read our e-books on your device at any time.
Be sure to follow our author on Amazon so that you will be notified when we publish new e-books.
Please take time to read our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
It is our hope, that through the materials on this website, you will experience a richer relationship with God and find peace, joy, guidance, direction and purpose.
With love from the Team at Godly Pearls.
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