Welcome to this page, “Bible Character Study” where you can download bible character studies for free. Use them to explain the stories around the people in the bible and their faith, to young learners at home, schools, churches, mission classes etc.
Each study is structured as follows: topic, bible references, who was the character? what did the character do?, what can we learn from the character?, memory verse, scenario review, a quick reminder and prayer.
Feel free to be creative with how you use them to suit your learners in their different age groups.
We will be updating this page from time to time, so, please check back for more bible character studies. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
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KNOWING GOD SERIES is part of our Bible Character lessons, with a focus on the nature of God. Check out the whole series here.
1. Jonathan – an example of a good and faithful friend
God has given us the gift of friendship and we are to pray for and love our friends. Jesus is our greatest friend.
2. Dorcas – an example of selfless service 💚®
When we serve one another, it shows that we love one another.
3. Nicodemus – can a man be born twice? 💚®
God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world so that we can have eternal life.
4. Peter and John – healing in the name of Jesus 💚®
Jesus has the power to heal me of any sickness.
5. Bartimaeus – never give up praying 💚®
God is willing to answer our prayers. He hears us when we call.
6. Bezalel – a man with the spirit of excellence 💚®
With the help of God, I can do my best in whatever I have been asked to do.
7. The Rechabites – an example of unwavering obedience 💚®
Obedience opens the opportunities for us to be blessed.
8. A young slave girl – an example of loving your enemies
Loving your enemies can be difficult, but by the grace of God, you can love everyone – even those you feel are your enemies.
9. Daniel – choosing to glorify God 💚®
As you go through life, you will have to make choices. Be careful to always choose what will bring glory to God and honour His name.
10. Gehazi – greed and its consequences
Greed can get you into trouble. Learn to be happy and content with what you have. God will always provide all that you need.