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Bible Conversations with Sight Words

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Tessa, a 2-year old girl, would often ask her Mum, Maya, lots of questions as they read bible picture books together. And Maya would make up scenarios to explain the pictures.

“Why is she sad?”, Tessa would ask.

“Maybe she does not have food to eat. Would you share your food with her?”, Maya would respond.

What is the donkey doing here? Why is she carrying a water jar? Why did the fish swallow the man? And the list goes on….

By the time Tessa was four years old, she was asking to read the bible during the family’s devotions. She would read the words she recognized while Maya would read the words she didn’t yet recognize. All those years of studying bible picture books and practicing sight words have helped build Tessa’s confidence and ability.

On the other hand, Mrs Johnson, Maya’s neighbor often found it fascinating whenever she visited Maya and her family and heard bible conversations.

Mrs Johnson has a six year old son but they had never discussed the bible. They attend church services once in a while, but Mrs Johnson could never figure out how to even start a bible conversation with her son.  

Parents can often find it difficult to talk about God with their kids especially if it’s never the norm at home. Starting a bible conversation with your child can be very daunting when you don’t know how to start or when you feel they are too young to understand. Well, the truth is, our kids are never too young to understand the good news. We would do well to introduce our Christian faith and the message of salvation to them at an early age.

With this Bible Conversations with Sight Words, parents, Sunday school teacher, kids club coordinator, evangelists, Christian educator, etc. can help children learn and read events, stories, lessons etc. from the bible.  

In this resource, we have combined sight words with illustrations to help kids grasp and understand bible stories before they are ready to read full bible stories. On each card, there is a sight word (e.g., for, you, me, and), a bible reference, a sentence and a picture illustrating the sentence. The sentence is taken from each bible reference and can be expanded to tell bible stories and events.

There is also a tracing book attached to help kids practice their writing and engage with the sentences from the bible.

There are two series containing 50 sight words each – that’s a total of 100 sight words.

It is our sincere desire, hope and joy that each child might come to experience love and grace in Jesus as they understand His words. That they might come to develop a personal and lifelong relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

How can I use this Bible Conversations with Sight Words?

The Bible Conversations with Sight Words can be used in the following ways:

  • Teach kids to recognize the words

Sight words help children make sense of what they read in a text. When kids can read these sight words, they are set to better understand the full text in a bible. Point to a card and ask the child to spell the letters out. Then, sound out the word to the child.

  • Tell bible stories.

Engaging and holding the attention of kids is no easy feat. You can use each card to tell a quick and simple bible story in your own words. You don’t have to say the whole story. It is more like informing them. For example, for the word “THIS”, the sentence reads “This is not fair, the older son told his father”. You can then say, “do you know that this father really loves his sons? Let me tell you the story”.

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Browse our Resource Centre to download other FREE resources. Visit our interactive page for printable resources.

  • Focus on scriptural lessons, principles, and values.

There are scriptural principles of love, sharing, forgiveness, salvation, etc. that have been illustrated on the cards. So, you can use them to introduce and explain these godly values to your kids. We have included bible references on each card for your personal reference.  

  • Engage the child.

We have included two sets of tracing books in the Bible Conversations with Sight Words. Tracing books can be used as subtle ways of reinforcing the words in the mind of the child.

  • Conversation starter.

If the child is aware of a bible story that a card illustrates, then, ask the child questions relating to the story. For example, “who did this?” or “who said this in the bible?”  Point to a picture and ask them to describe what they see.

We hope you will find these resources useful in your homes, classes, churches, or any other location where you teach children the word of God.

We welcome any feedback you might have about using these resources. Please send us an email through contact@godlypearls.com or on our Facebook page.

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