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11. Broken bottle – Jesus died so I can be friends with God ๐ยฎ
Use this lesson to explain that we were all born sinners and sin keeps us far away from God. However, through Jesus, we can be close to God again.
12. Surveillance camera – God sees all things ๐ยฎ
Use this lesson to explain that God sees everyone, everything, all the time. God is always watching over us. He does not sleep.
13. Soap and water – The blood of Jesus washes away all our sins ๐ยฎ
Use this lesson to explain that sin stains our hearts. Only the blood of Jesus can wash away the stain of sin.
14. Medicine – God is our Healer ๐ยฎ
Use this lesson to explain that God is the true healer and can use any means to heal us when we are sick.
15. Figurines and statues – There is only one true God.
Use this lesson to explain what it means to worship other “gods” or idols. Also, affirm that there is only one true God.
16. Jumping rope – Growing strong in the spirit ๐ยฎ
Use this lesson to explain the meaning of spiritual exercises. Also explain the different ways of doing spiritual exercises, and encourage students to be spiritually active.
17. Bread – God provides all that we need ๐ยฎ
Use this lesson to encourage students to trust God for whatever they need, to recognize God’s provisions and be grateful for them.
18. Fingerprints – You are unique and special to God ๐ยฎ
Use this lesson to remind students that they are special and unique to God, and to use their special skills and gifts to build up other people.
19. Knock on the door – God answers prayers ๐ยฎ
Use this lesson to encourage students to talk to God because He hears and answers when they talk to Him.
20. Manual – The Bible is a book of instruction from God ๐ยฎ
Use this lesson to encourage students to know more about God and His love for them through the manual (the bible).