Bible stories with illustrations
….. and lots of activities to reinforce learning.
Engage young learners with the truth using the timeless stories from the bible.
This Bible story teaching pack is titled “To love and to forgive – The story of Joseph and his brothers”. It is complete with activities to reinforce and assess learning.
Kindly scroll down the page to download the FREE Bible Story Teaching Pack – To love and to forgive – The story of Joseph and his brothers.
This is the retelling of the story of Joseph and his brothers in the bible. We explained that Jacob had 12 sons, but he loved Joseph more than the other sons. Joseph’s brothers were not happy. Then Joseph started having dreams of becoming great and told his family. His brothers were angry and jealous! They sold him as a slave.
As a slave, God was with Joseph until he became a great leader in Egypt. Later, his brothers visited Egypt and Joseph revealed his identity to them. His brothers were afraid. But Joseph forgave them for the wrong things they did to him. The family came together again!
What does the story mean for kids? Kids will learn that God is always with them. Also, they will learn that God has great plans for their lives. Finally, kids will be encouraged to forgive those who hurt them.
The bible references for this story are as follows: Genesis 37: 1-36; 39:1 -23; 41: 1 -57; 42: 1-3; 45: 1 – 28.
We ask that you take the time to prayerfully read the bible references provided and study the materials too. We pray “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Ephesians 1:17)
Our desire, hope and joy is that each child might come to experience love and grace in Jesus as they understand His words.
In this Bible story teaching pack, you have the following:
Story book/cards.
Conversation cards
Story starter cards

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Memory verse and prayer cards
Word scramble
Word search
Learn and colour
Quiz cards
Crossword puzzle
Please note that the instructions are generic to educators, but you know your child/children best; so feel free to adapt the contents as relevant to the different age groups you are in charge of.
We hope you will find these resources useful in your homes, classes, churches, or any other location where you teach children the word of God.
We welcome any feedback you might have about using these resources. Please contact us at contact@godlypearls.com or on our Facebook page.
Thanks and God bless you.