Have you seen our Sunday School Curriculum? Click here to explore them. New bible character studies on the attributes of God also here. Blessings!


Donate to support Godly Pearls

Thank you for considering a donation to Godly Pearls.  As a result of the generous donations from individuals like you, we are able to keep all the resources on this website FREE and accessible for everyone to make use of.

Thank you for your continuous support in prayers and donations as we fulfill our purpose of reaching more people with the free gospel of Jesus Christ.

What are your donations used for?

  • Administration and maintenance of this website and our social media channels
  • Subscriptions and purchases necessary for developing, writing, and creating the free resources on this website.
  • Administration of Godly Pearls Bible Club – where we offer free digital resources to students and teachers
  • Advertisement costs
  • Printing and distribution of materials

Thank you, in advance, for your donation!

You can donate through the following ways:


Click on the PayPal icon below to conveniently use your debit or credit card or your own PayPal account.

Make a direct bank payment

Godly Pearls’ ASB bank account number is:
Account Name: Godly Pearls

Once you have made your donation through Internet Banking please email donation@godlypearls.com with your name, postal address and donation amount, so we can send you a receipt as soon as possible. Thank you!

Godly Pearls is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005 in New Zealand. This means Godly Pearls is exempt from income tax. Godly Pearls also has Donee Status from IRD, meaning donations of $5 or more may qualify for a tax credit in New Zealand.

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