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I am worth more than many sparrows

Roger drizzled some more lemon dressing on his plate of salmon and caesar salad. He took a mouthful of the delicious-looking meal and hummed to himself, “yuumm”. He reached out to the side table for a glass of freshly made apple juice. The glass was empty. He looked painfully at the empty glass knowing there was no other juice left in the house. He made a mental note to get some apples when next he went shopping. Roger turned back to continue eating his meal when a noise startled him. He opened his eyes and right in front of him was a plate of peanuts and some cheap looking crackers. He had been dreaming!

The noise that woke him up came from the TV he was watching while he dozed off. “As a result of escalating number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, the Minister for Health has advised a further lockdown period of 15 days. There will be a review at the end of this period to determine what actions would be necessary and if we can all return back to work”, the reporter explained.

Roger let out a deep sigh of frustration. The nation had been on a lockdown for close to two months now. He had been able to work for the first few weeks, but his company had suddenly laid him off due to downsizing. He had been living on his savings and don’t know how much longer he would go without earning any income. He understood the government of some other countries had been providing food parcels, sanitary supplies and even cash.  His government was yet to announce any such provisions or any form of relief. He was terrified.

Roger turned off the TV and put on a coat. He wanted to get some cool evening breeze before he retired for the night. He opened the door and found two large food baskets! He tore off the red label attached to one of the baskets. “Dear Roger, I was thinking of you yesterday and wanted to share some of my farm produce with you. Enjoy and stay safe, Jim”. Roger was struck with wonder. “Praise God!”, he exclaimed. He carried the baskets into his kitchen to examine the contents. The food items were enough to last him for more than two weeks. And there was a large salmon! Now, he can have that salmon and caesar salad he dreamt about.

Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31).

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26). The times we live in are filled with fear, anxiety, pressures, and uncertainties. Our Almighty God is aware of everything. He is the unchanging Father, and not moved by circumstances. Let’s stay close to God and we will not also be moved. You are worth more than many sparrows!   

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