A 13-week Sunday School Curriculum
Use these lessons to engage young learners with the truth from the bible.
Welcome to this page, Knowing God series – A 13 week Sunday School curriculum, where you can download bible-based lessons for free. Use them to explain the nature of God to young learners at home, schools, churches, mission classes etc.
Each lesson is structured as follows: topic, goal of lesson, lesson takeaway, bible references. Then, there are sections discussing the nature of God in the Old Testament, in the New Testament, in our present time, and how we can respond to God. We have also included memory verse, questions for discussion, a quick reminder of the lesson takeaway and prayer at the end of the lesson.
Feel free to be creative with how you use them to suit your learners in their different age groups.
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1. God is kind
Lesson Takeaway: God is kind to everyone that He created.
2. God is our provider
Lesson Takeaway: God will always provide for the needs of His creatures.
3. God is faithful
Lesson Takeaway: God is always faithful. He keeps His promises. You can trust in Him.
4. God is the excellent Creator 💚®
Lesson Takeaway: God made the world and everything in it – the things you can see and those you cannot see.
5. God is our healer 💚®
Lesson Takeaway: God is the greatest Healer. He stills heals today.
6. God forgives💚®
Lesson Takeaway: God is the only One who can forgive us our sins. He is always ready and willing to forgive when we ask Him.
7. God is our Saviour 💚®
Lesson Takeaway: Jesus came to the world to save us from our sins and the consequences. He is the only One who can save.
8. God rewards obedience 💚®
Lesson Takeaway: God rewards those who obey Him. When we obey God, it shows that we love God.
9. God is love 💚®
Lesson Takeaway: God is love. True love comes from God. We don’t have to do anything to earn God’s love.
10. God hears us when we call 💚®
Lesson Takeaway: God is always ready to listen when we call. He hears when we talk to Him.
11. God is powerful 💚®
Lesson Takeaway: God has power to do all things. There is nothing too difficult for Him to do.
12. God is just 💚®
Lesson Takeaway: God is perfect, righteous and just. He does not judge partially or do wrong to anyone.
13. God is holy 💚®
Lesson Takeaway: God is pure and holy. He is the standard for what is holy, and sin cannot be a part of Him.
We hope you will find these resources useful in your homes, classes, churches, or any other location where you teach children the word of God.
We welcome any feedback you might have about using these resources. Please contact us at contact@godlypearls.com or on our Facebook page.
Thanks and God bless you.