Janet emerged from the dressing room of the clothing store holding two jackets. She doesn’t know which colour suited her best for the high profile meeting she was scheduled to attend over the weekend.
“Hey darling, which do you prefer, the mustard coloured or tan jacket?”, she whispered to Maxwell, her husband, who had been waiting for her.
Max hesitated before responding. “Go for the mustard. You will look more confident in it”.
She took one final look at both jackets. “Mustard it is”, she confirmed.
This was not a usual response from Janet. She would have chosen what she wanted – whether she was sure it suited her or not. And if Max tried to interfere, she would begin an argument. But over the years, she had learned to trust his judgement. More so, as her co-workers and friends were always commending her outfits. She wasn’t telling them the truth behind her recent sense of fashion.
God is with us everywhere. Even while we are shopping for new clothes and trying to decide which ones fit us best. He would not necessarily be telling us what colours or styles to choose. Though He will gently nudge our hearts away from indecent styles that do not glorify Him.
God wants us to trust Him in everything. He wants to be involved in the little details of our lives and in the big events too.
When we trust and involve Him in the little areas of our lives;
- our faith grows
- we get to know His will for us – what He wants us to do or have at particular times
- we get to know His voice and discern how He communicates with us
- we build confidence in His unfailing promises.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).
It is not a sign of weakness, mediocrity, or foolishness to involve God in our affairs. He knows what suits us best.
Dear Lord, help us to trust in You with all our heart. Help us not to lean on our own understanding. May we acknowledge You in all our ways. As we do, direct our paths Oh Lord! (Proverbs 3:5,6).