Laura had joined a team of six for a street outreach. She doesn’t know what to expect at all.
Last year, during the Gothic Fashion Night, Laura was with Colin, distributing gospel tracts. She was so distracted by her environment as people dressed in weird and scary costumes. All she could think of was how difficult it was to reach out to the people passing by. She missed various opportunities to simply hand over the tracts.
Colin noticed Laura’s struggles. As if he knew what she had been thinking, he said, “It’s an unusual night Laura. But you need to look beyond the costumes and see a soul that needs to hear about Jesus”.
A few weeks later, Laura read from John 3:16, 17. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved”.
“But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).
As she meditated on those words, she realised that God extends his love and compassion to everyone regardless of who they are. She prayed for love and compassion in her heart for the people she will meet on her next Gothic Fashion Night outreach.
Now, Laura stood on a sidewalk and handed out a tract to a lady dressed in a ghost-like attire, with both hands painted red and white. She accepted the tract, stood in front of Laura, and started reading it.
“My name is Laura. What is your name?”, Laura introduced herself, offering a handshake.
“Gina”, the lady responded and pulled off the hood of her ghost-like attire, revealing her face.
“Nice to meet you”, Laura said, smiling. “Do you know who Jesus Christ is?”, Laura continued.
“No, never heard of any Jesus Christ”, Gina responded.
Laura then explained the gospel message and why Jesus died on the cross. She asked if Gina understood the message. “Yes, thank you”, Gina said, and left.
Two nights after they met, Laura received a text message. “Can you please come pick me for the movie night at church tomorrow? I have so much to tell you. Please, pray for me”. It was from Gina! Gina and Laura had exchanged phone numbers on that first night.
Sometimes people appear scary, tough, and unapproachable. But these might only be appearances put up to look self-sufficient and hide the struggles going on inside. Empathy and compassion can unmask these pretences and defences and help us reach deep into the heart to understand the needs and cries of people.
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
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