Gordon had just returned from visiting Granny Pat at the local hospice. He went to deliver a weekly bouquet of chocolate cosmos and gardenia flowers to Granny Pat. These were her favourite flowers and even as she battled dementia, she still recognised the scent from these flowers.
Gordon checked his email. “I regret to advise that on this occasion your application has not been progressed further, however, I do wish to express that yours was a strong application …” the email read. Ugh, sighed Gordon. This was becoming a typical response from his applications for the past five months. He knew what was wrong even if the recruiters would not tell him. It was that dreaded question at the interviews he attended, “can you explain your employment gap”?
Gordon had left his previous employment at a reputable software company to take care of Granny Pat at the onset of her dementia. Pat’s caregiver asked Gordon to move in with her to keep her within her familiar environment. This might help her remain calm and reduce episodes, she explained. But as the years passed, it seemed the condition worsened.
Six months ago, Gordon and his siblings agreed to move Granny Pat into their local hospice so she could be adequately taken care of. Now, Gordon had to get back to work. Finding a job after leaving paid employment for three years is challenging enough, especially in his field where new technologies were regularly developed. The global pandemic has now added another layer of difficulty, stress, and uncertainty.
Rather than worry about his situation, Gordon made a conscious decision to trust God and remained calm. “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You” (Isaiah 26:3). “…Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today…The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace” (Exodus 14:13-14).
Three weeks later, he received another email from a recruiter. “Dear Gordon, I am pleased to advise that your application for the Position of a Data Analyst with G-Momentum Analysum has been successful. Given the current pandemic situation, further details on working arrangements will be communicated to you. Accept my congratulations!”.
Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalms 55:22).
With increasing uncertainties all around us, let us make a conscious decision to trust God, to rest on His unchanging and unfailing promises. Like Peter walking on water, let us focus our gaze on Jesus rather than on the waves threatening to sink us. No, we will not sink!