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Free Gospel Tracts

Free gospel tracts, Free Christian tracts, Free evangelism tracts, Free religious tracts, Free church tracts, Free Bible tracts, Free gospel literature

Sharing the good news is one of our responsibilities as believers and followers of Jesus Christ. The bible tells us in Matthew 28:19 – 20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Sharing gospel tracts/evangelism tracts is one of the many ways of sharing the good news. Below, you will find gospel tracts that you can download, print and share – including comic tracts.

Please note that we do not print these tracts and send to you. Feel free to print them at home or with a printing company for your use. Each tract has two pages – a front page (page 1) and a back page (page 2). It has been set so that you can print out 4 tracts per A4 sheet. There is a box on page 2 of each tract where you can add your contact information.

Lastly, these free gospel tracts are not for sale and we appreciate your cooperation in keeping the gospel tracts free for everyone to use. Thank you.

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Please note that you might be requested to log in to download some of the resources with the symbols 💚®. Log in or create a free account here.

1. Welcome home

Kyle appeared in the news pleading for people to help him reunite with his family. “I want my family back… God is always ready to welcome anyone who returns to Him.

2. The great exchange

The mob brought him to Pilate. He had been falsely accused. The religious leaders were jealous and envious of his popularity…. The people chose to crucify Jesus and have Barabbas released. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have eternal life with God.

3. The rotten apple

I strolled to the kitchen, hungry for a bite. I chose a bright-red and crisp-looking apple from the fruit basket. I washed the apple and took a bite. Oh no!…..Sin makes our heart stained, dirty and rotten, but the blood of Jesus can wash a dirty heart and make it as white as snow.

Check the Resource Centre for other resources you can download. Visit our interactive page for printable resources.

4. Which way are you going?

‘There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death’ (Proverb 14:12). Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God has made a way for us to be free from sin.

5. Only one life to live

Andrew was full of life. He had lots of money to spend, partied hard, swapped girls frequently, was addicted to smoking, drinking, and gambling. He told me many times, “you only get one life to live. Make it count!”….. The only way to make your life count is to make choices that will lead you to eternal life with God.

6. Skateboard fall – comic tract 💚®

Jason got a new skateboard from his Dad. Rather than focus on practicing, he wanted to show off at the park. Well, pride goes before a fall. Use this comic tract to lead a child to Jesus who can help with the problem of sin. This comic tract is best suited to kids.


7. I want to make good choices – comic tract 💚®

We often have good intentions and want to make good choices. But like we know, we end up making bad choices. Only through Jesus can we have the power and grace to make good choices. Use this comic tract to explain to a child that Jesus can help us make good choices. This comic tract is best suited to kids.


8. Yummy cupcakes in the dark – comic tract 💚®

Rachael could not resist the aroma of her Mum’s cupcakes. She wanted a cupcake badly and went into the dark kitchen, but when her Mum turned on the light, well… Use this comic tract to explain to a child that Jesus is the light of the world and he wants to take away the darkness in our hearts . This comic tract is best suited to kids.


9. Soggy banana bread

Are you feeling messy on the inside like a soggy banana bread? Jesus came to clean the soggy and messy nature of sin. Give Jesus a chance in your life today.

10. Bring your pains to Jesus

Sin is the major reason for the hurt we experience in our world. But when we return to God, by confessing our sins, He helps us with our pains, leading us to find true rest.

We welcome any feedback you might have about these resources. Please contact us at contact@godlypearls.com or on our Facebook page.

Thanks and God bless you.

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